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In our own physiotherapy practice, we offer you a comprehensive range of performance diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Using the latest technology, we will record the strengths, weaknesses and risk factors of your body and evaluate them together.

Gait Analysis

A comprehensive physiotherapeutic examination is part of every gait analysis. Using various cameras and pressure sensors, injury mechanisms and risk factors in your gait and running image can be detected. The aim of the analysis is to improve your gait image, identify risk factors and thus prevent injuries. These analyses can be used for the optimal production of orthopedic inlays, but also for the design of your training. We are also happy to advise you on the selection of your running shoes.

Laufanalyse, Pysiotherapeutische Untersuchung

Typical indications for a gait analysis:

  • Pain in the area of the feet, knees and lumbar vertebrae
  • General consultation about running and training control
  • Consultation about running shoes
  • Regeneration and follow-up after meniscus damage and cruciate ligament ruptures
  • Injury prophylaxis
  • Inlay control
Laufanalyse, Pysiotherapeutische Untersuchung

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Elektromyographic Analysis (EMG)

An imbalance in the musculature can be the cause of various clinical pictures such as herniated discs, arthrosis and calcific shoulder.

Electromyography is a procedure that allows a "direct look" into the muscle. The procedure can be used to identify weaknesses and asymmetries in the musculature, and it also helps the test person to target untrained and neglected muscles via "biofeedback". The visualization of your muscle activity will help you to carry out exercise programs symmetrically and according to your individual performance limits.

Elektromyografische-Analyse, Visualisierung der Muskeln
Elektromyografische-Analyse, Visualisierung der Muskeln
Elektromyografische-Analyse, Visualisierung der Muskeln

Indications for an EMG-Analysis:

  • Arthrosis
  • Training control
  • Calcific shoulder (Tendinitis calcarea)
  • Injury prophylaxis and „return to sport“-Tests
  • Imbalances
  • „Finding the right muscle“ 

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The Isokinetic exercise machine is a device from the medical training therapy and represents a special form of the dynamic strength training. With Isokinetics (Greek: constant speed) the test person trains against a given angular speed with maximum force. The reduced shear forces in the joint ensure a gentle and effective training of the muscles in all planes.

Isokinetisches Training, Orthopädische Trainingstherapie

Indications Isokinetics:

Rehabilitation after meniscus and cruciate ligament injuries


Disc prolapses

Nonspecific back pain


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Power Plate

Power Plate is a device that consists of a very fast vibrating support surface. It can transmit vibrations to the body at frequencies of 30, 35, 40 or 50 Hertz for 30, 45 or 60 seconds.

These vibrations trigger reflex contractions in the musculature. This allows even the deep, stabilizing muscles to be trained without overloading the joints or ligaments. During each training session you will be assisted by a competent therapist who will go through an individual training program with you.

Power-Plate, Stabilisierendes Muskeltraining
Power-Plate, Stabilisierendes Muskeltraining
Power-Plate, Stabilisierendes Muskeltraining

Indications Power Plate:

  • Rehabilitation after shoulder, knee and hip complaints
  • Rehabilitation after disc prolapses
  • Improvement of instabilities
  • General Strength Training

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Electrotherapy is a procedure in medicine and physical therapy with which electric current is induced into the tissue via special electrotherapy devices. The electric current has different effects on the tissue.

Elektrotherapie, Physikalische Therapie

Indications for electric current:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation
  • Pain relief
  • Metabolic stimulation
  • Anti-inflammatory

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Laser Therapy

We work with an Opton laser of the company Zimmer. This device can be varied in energy density and can also be used in deeper tissue layers. Two wavelengths with different biological effects are available. The longer wavelength (980 nm) has an analgesic effect, the shorter wavelength (810 nm) stimulates the repair processes of the cells and the microcirculation. Both wavelengths are used simultaneously. The output is 3 - 7 watts.

Lasertherapie, Repereation der Zellen

Indications for Laser Therapy:

  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Pain-relieving
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Promotes regeneration

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Kinesio tape, or kinesiological tape, is a method of applying elastic bandages to the skin. This technique can be used to gently correct misalignments, initiate correct movement patterns and relieve pain. In addition, the elastic fibers of the ligament, increase lymphatic activity and reduce oedema, through the tension and pressure they exert on the tissue.

Kinesio-Taping, Fehlstellungen korrigieren

Indications for Kineso-Tape:

  • Stabilization without restriction of the range of motion
  • Motion initiation with gentle postures
  • Stimulation of the pain pathways

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Cryotherapy is the targeted use of coldness to trigger metabolic reactions in the body, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. We generate temperatures of -30° Celsius, which leads to a metabolic reaction in the deep tissue layers that has a long-lasting effect.

Kryotherapie, Kältetherapie, gezielte Kälteanwendung
Kryotherapie, Kältetherapie, gezielte Kälteanwendung

Indications for Cryotherapy:

  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Pain-relieving
  • Anti-inflammatory

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Physiotherapy is a form of specific training and the external application of various stimuli such as pressure, stretching, heat, cold with the aim of restoring full movement and functionality of the body. Specific exercises for strengthening and mobilization help you to quickly reach the full range of motion again.

Physiotherapie, Krankengymnastik, Funktionsfähigkeit des Körpers wiederherstellen
Physiotherapie, Krankengymnastik, Funktionsfähigkeit des Körpers wiederherstellen

Indications for Physiotherapy:

  • Back pain
  • Movement restrictions
  • Rehabilitation after shoulder and knee injuries
  • Coordination training

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Manual Therapy


"Every clinical picture is complex and individual. Only when we understand these connections an optimal and target-oriented therapy can succeed."

Manual therapy is a special form of manual medicine and mainly deals with the treatment of reversible disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The practice of manual therapy requires many years of professional experience and at least three years of further training.

Many disorders of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by a reduction of the metabolic processes in the affected areas. The aim of the manual therapist is to diagnose the source of the dysfunction and to positively influence the metabolic process and thus the functional disorder through targeted pressure, stretching and traction techniques (alternatively mobilization manipulation techniques). Fundamental to the therapeutic process is a comprehensive examination in which the manual therapist develops a holistic picture of your complaints. The interdisciplinary networking of medical and physiotherapeutic diagnostics is an essential part of our internal work.

The therapy is used for disorders and complaints of the spine, peripheral joints, as well as the central and peripheral nervous system.

Possible indications for manual therapy are:

  • Disc prolapses
  • Cruciate ligament ruptures
  • Joint malpositions
  • Performance reduction
  • Atlas misalignments
  • General posture errors
  • Fascia training

Treatment setting:

In my holistic treatment concept, it is important to me that patients can distance themselves from their daily, sometimes stressful everyday lives. I am convinced that therapy can only be successful if the patient concentrates fully on what is happening. Therefore, patients receive an especially long treatment time of 60 minutes, which is usually not generated in physiotherapy.

Each therapy unit consists of the following three components:

Anamnese/ reflection (of the previous treatment unit), Findings/ therapy, Planning of the next session

Manuelle-Therapie, Behandlung des Bewegungsapparates, Diagnose der Störung
Manuelle-Therapie, Behandlung des Bewegungsapparates, Diagnose der Störung

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Orthopedics in the Rheinauhafen

Im Zollhafen 6
50678 Cologne

+49 221 96889493info@ad6284f632c9402b87e7387e4e50212corthopaede-koeln.de