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Biofeedback Training

After diagnosis with the help of the EMG test, deficits revealed by biofeedback training such as hypertension, atrophy or functional limitations can be treated. Biofeedback training is an alternative, efficient and side-effect-free therapy option, whose effectiveness has been proven in many orthopaedic indications by numerous scientific studies:

"In biofeedback training, physical functions are continuously reported back to the patient (e.g. visually or acoustically) and positive changes in these bodily functions are amplified, which allows the patients to learn how to influence the bodily functions...

...The positive effect of biofeedback has been proven by numerous controlled therapy studies. Biofeedback is currently one of the most effective treatment options available for some clinical pictures (e.g. headaches and back pain)" (Birbaumer, N. & Rief, W., 2000).

By becoming aware of alternative behaviour and movement patterns, the patient learns how to improve his muscular situation and cope with his problem independently.

Biofeedback Training and Muscle Function Measurement

Indications of biofeedback training:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Upper Trapezius Hypertonus
  • Cervical Dysfunction
  • Epicondylitis
  • Vastus medialis Atrophy
  • General Hypertension

Goals of biofeedback trainings:

  • Detonation: tonus reduction in the relevant hypertonic muscle region
  • Tonus activation: arbitrary tonus activation in the relevant muscle region
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: The physiological phenomenon of post-isometric relaxation is used here. Following a strong isometric contraction, the tone of a muscle usually falls below the initial level.
  • Right-left copy: This trains the fine-tuning of the concerned muscles and the ability to apply targeted, decently dosed tension.
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Orthopedics in the Rheinauhafen

Im Zollhafen 6
50678 Cologne

+49 221 96889493info@39b566b2752745a1a085536c5a8cc53borthopaede-koeln.de